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Nordvargr - Enter Nordvargr 2 (Torrent Edition)
Audio > Music
74.55 MB

Dark Ambient Electronica Noise Industrial
+0 / -0 (0)

May 20, 2009

205 Recordings proudly presents

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  Artist   Nordvargr
  Album    Enter Nordvargr 2
  Label    205 Recordings
  Cat no   205REC-911
  Year     2009
  Style    Dark Ambient / Electronica / Noise / Industrial
  Quality  Mixed bag of 192kbit and 320kbit/44.1kHz/Stereo
  Date     05-20-2009


  01 Nordvargr - Steril 2
  02 Nordvargr - Patterns emerging LD CELP
  03 All Hail The Transcending Ghost - Intornator
  04 Nordvargr - Noma Klaw (Edit)
  05 Goatvargr - Fix
  06 Nordvargr - Interrupted by light and vision 
  07 Nordvargr - Sammi calls
  08 Nordvargr - Sepul
  09 Nordvargr - Bakom ilskan  
  10 Nordvargr - Steril
  11 Resignation - Det var b‰ttre fˆrr
  12 Nordvargr - Improv mic anger (live 2000)

  Composed and recorded 2000 - 2009 and repacked 2009 by
  Henrik Nordvargr Bjˆrkk @ Villa Bohult


  Here it is again... the follow up to the DCD compilation that was released by OEC 2002.
  This was initially released in 2005 only available on, now it is officially
  unleashed once again with a few bonus tracks to celebrate the occasion.

  This release is only released on Piratebay as a way of showing support
  for free speech and free internet. I will not go into philosophical details,
  you all know what is going on...

  Feel free to share this music as you wish. Sharing is caring.


  If you would like to give something back to the artist to show
  appreciation, please go to and find the contact info.
  Paypal donations are welcome. 

  205 Recordings 2009.

  Sanctuary for music composed and recorded with total disregard for anything
  but the personal vision.


seed, please!